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Peace River PIcklers

Annual Business Meeting

January 13, 2023

Harbour Heights Community Park Pavillion

27420 Voyageur Dr, Punta Gorda, FL 33983

(Meeting at 11:00 am followed by Pickleball and Pizza)

Since 2016, Peace River Picklers (PRP) has been promoting this great sport we call pickleball. We are now over 900 strong and cannot see the end of the line!

We pride ourselves on delivering quality educational opportunities, exciting league play and social opportunities for our membership.

On January 13th, you will have an opportunity to attend our annual Board meeting and comment on what we are doing well and what we could do better. We do want to hear from you! The only way to move forward and improve is to look back and hear from you, our members.

It will be a short, but important meeting followed by pizza and social camaraderie. Bring your paddles and enjoy some court time after.

PRP is governed by a Board of seven people and assisted by a multitude of volunteers who turn the Board's wishlist of activities into the many varied club offerings that you see today.

There will be a few vacancies, and if you are looking for a way to give back to our club, please consider joining the Board. Contact any Board member (by Jan 6, 2024) if you have any questions or would like to be considered for a Board position. Please help our club continue to be a strong presence and assist in providing quality opportunities to our growing membership.

Who would have thought that a sport with this silly name would become so popular so quickly!

Please help us help you!

After the game, there will be some fun pickleball activities so please plan on joining us.

Did we mention there will be pizza? Bring your own drinks.

Your Board;

David Pike, David Brotzman, Heather Washik, Eric Hutlas, Renee Jackson, and Thomas Dee

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Dave Myklebust
02 בינו׳ 2024

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